A little nudge (by Trish)

A little nudge (by Trish)

When we are ready to make a change, sometimes all it takes is a little nudge in the right direction to build momentum. I am currently teaching a Nutrition & Healthy Habits small group coaching class. The recommended homework assignments have been to pick one...
Who is it for? (by Trish)

Who is it for? (by Trish)

When Jim first started writing this blog, he wasn’t publishing it yet. He set a goal to write everyday and, in true Jim fashion, he did so. (He is very diligent when he puts his mind to something and creates new habits more efficiently than anyone else I know). He...
Teamwork (by Trish)

Teamwork (by Trish)

In our house, we generally split the chores. Jim works from home, so he walks Roli and does the laundry. He is also usually the one to empty the dishwasher. I generally do most of the vacuuming, dusting and cleaning the bathrooms. I tend to do most of the grocery...
Personal growth opportunities (by Trish)

Personal growth opportunities (by Trish)

Am I a slow walker, a fast walker or somewhere in between? Well, it depends… When Jim, Roli and I hike together, I am often the slowest. When I walk with other people, however, I am often in the lead. So, in this example, it depends who I compare myself to. If I am on...
Unconditional love (by Trish)

Unconditional love (by Trish)

Having a Siberian Husky is a messy endeavor. Our house, our car and our clothing are constantly covered in fur. It seems that it is shedding season year round. When we turn on the fan, tumbleweeds come rolling out from under the sofa where they were hiding. Our...