Free Workouts in the Park

Written by Jim Chaput
After a 19-year career in financial services, Jim left a leadership position to focus on health and fitness. Jim is a Master Practitioner of Applied Movement Neurology and holds Certificates in Applied Functional Science and 3DMAPS from the Gray Institute. His passion is empowering people to help resolve the pain, tension and insomnia that prevents them from living well.

The Discover Health Movement Membership team invites you to join our free outdoor movement workshops on Saturday, October 10. You will get a taste of Discover Yoga, Self-Myofascial Release and Movement for Longevity.

To participate in the fun, please bring a blanket, beach towel or yoga mat, and a tennis ball. Beginners are welcome!

Stop in to see us and try out a sample of our socially-distanced classes with our skilled instructors. We will be at the following locations:

10:30 – 11:30 AM at Conway Public Library in Conway, NH
12:30 – 1:30 PM at Chocorua Park in Chocorua, NH
2:30 – 3:30 PM on private property at 180 Chase Road (Route 113A) in North Sandwich, NH

These events are weather-permitting. In case of rain, stay tuned for a virtual workshop video that we’ll share across social media!