Jim Chaput

Movement Therapist & Coach

I Will Help You Feel, Move and Sleep Better

Movement Therapy

Get the therapy you need to be pain-free and exercises that will reinforce your improvement. Treatments available in Conway, Tamworth and online in some cases.


Improve your strength, balance and posture or learn the healthy habits that will help you feel your best. Group classes, 1:1 coaching, live or online. Choose what’s best for you.

Movement Therapy

Get pain relief, improved balance and learn the exercises you need to accelerate your improvement between sessions.

Applied Movement Neurology uses gentle touch to resolve pain, muscle weakness, pelvic floor dysfunction and more.

Movement Classes

Improve your strength, balance and posture with weekly classes and just 10 minutes a day in your own home.

Group classes, 1:1 coaching, live or online. Find the solution that works best for you.

Jim's Blog

Thoughts, musings, and reflections, with a question on which readers can also reflect.

Subscribe to receive blog posts via email. Visit the site to see the photos.

What Is Movement Therapy?

I will test your balance, muscle strength and movement to set a baseline and get an understanding of your symptoms. I then assess and calibrate your nervous system using gentle touch.

As I calibrate each area, we retest to determine how much you have improved and whether issues require further calibration. I then teach you movement drills you can use to reinforce treatment.

Many people see significant improvement in just one session! More complex cases can often be resolved in 6 or fewer sessions.

Who Is Coaching For?

Movement classes and 1:1 sessions focus on exercises that help you with everyday life. I teach you how to listen to your body and find the right exercises for you.

Knowing what you need gives you confidence that your time is well-spent. Once you’re empowered to make the most of your exercise routine, 10-minutes a day can help you improve quickly.

Coaching  can help you identify the right food to feel and look your best and the tiny habits that help you find joy every day.


The first appointment I crawled into see Jim and an hour later I walked out with excitement that I was finally walking painless.

“He is extremely good at what he does and gets satisfaction and joy when he sees results. He loves what he does and it shows.”

“I can’t believe how much my balance has improved and it’s only been three weeks.”

About Me

After a 19-year career in financial services, I left a leadership position to focus on health and fitness. My prior career was spent empowering people to maximize their potential and I bring the same approach to my coaching and movement therapy practice.

I’m a Master Practitioner of Applied Movement Neurology and hold Certificates in Applied Functional Science and 3DMAPS from the Gray Institute. Prior to being a movement therapist, I coached skiing, snowboarding and CrossFit. 

My passion is helping resolve the pain, tension and other issues that prevent people from living well.

I Would Love to Help You. Take a Step to Feeling Better Today!